Death with dignity - Euthanasia
Hey, you!
Recently in a conversation with a friend of mine, he was explaining to me that he has a male dog of 14 years suffering from 3 different tumors and cripple in its hind limbs; he expressed how expensive it is for him to cater for the dog coupled with the poor economy because he does not want to put it down (kill) but he wants the dog to die soon so the expenses will lessen and he can give it a befitting burial. I felt conflicted, I wondered if I was him, would I strive to treat the ill dog, leave it to die or simply put it down?
I honestly still have no idea even as I write this, maybe when I own a pet someday, I would know what to do. The one thing I did stop to think about was What if it was a human with flesh and blood like me more so, someone in my care since I will be a health professional soon?
Recommended songs while you read
Dead and cold - SadboyProlific
What they'll say about us - Finneas
Case Study 1
"The Telegraph noted that the killing of the disabled infant, Gerhard Kretchmar, born blind, with missing limbs, subject to convulsions, provided "the rationale for a secret Nazi decree that led to 'mercy killings' of almost 300,000 mentally and physically handicapped people”.
While Kretchmar's killing received parental consent, most of the 5,000 to 8,000 children killed afterwards were forcibly taken from their parents." -- Wikipedia.
What is Euthanasia?
Euthanasia literally is a Greek derived word that means “Good death”.
It is a procedure that involves the deliberate termination of life through ensured painless means usually to end irreversible suffering; a practice legal in several countries such as Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Netherlands, Colombia, Germany, Canada, Japan etc.
Euthanasia is usually performed by a physician with the consent of the patient and concerned legal bodies, this is also known as Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS).
Case Study 2
"I'm 29 years old and I've chosen to be voluntarily euthanized. I've chosen this because I have a lot of mental health issues. I suffer unbearably and hopelessly. Every breath I take is torture..." – Aurelia Brouwers (BBC)
Aurelia Brouwers was a young Dutch woman, who chose to end her life, by drinking poison given by a doctor. She suffered from a psychiatric illness and she chose Euthanasia.
Types of Euthanasia
There are several types of euthanasia based on the consent of the patient and the motives leading up to the choice such as:
Voluntary euthanasia: performed with the full approval of the patient.
Involuntary euthanasia: performed against the patient’s will, considered to be illegal.
Non-voluntary euthanasia: performed when the patient’s consent is unavailable. .
These forms of assisted suicide can be classified into Passive (withholding of treatments crucial for life) or Active (use of lethal doses or substances).
What are your thoughts so far? Is Euthanasia right or wrong?
Case Study 3
Dr. Jack Kevorkian, also known as "Dr. Death," was a pathologist and euthanasia advocate who developed a machine called the "Mercitron," which allowed terminally ill patients to self-administer lethal doses of medication, effectively ending their lives. He claimed to have assisted over 130 individuals in ending their lives. His actions led to legal challenges, and he was eventually convicted of second-degree murder in 1999 for his direct involvement in one patient's death.
Kevorkian's actions were widely debated, and opinions on his actions were polarized. Some believed he was a champion of individual autonomy and the right to die with dignity, while others saw him as a criminal who was actively involved in euthanasia. -- AI
Do you think he was wrong or right to administer lethal doses to those sick people?
Controversies surrounding Euthanasia.
It is important to note that the patients who choose euthanasia mostly have faced bearing a terminal illness, immense physical and/or mental pain and suffering, loss of dignity and autonomy and they just desire for control over how they die and when. Should that choice be ethical or even legal?
Opposition would say there is the reality of killing being a violation of life and euthanasia is a form a killing, be it with consent or not. Supporters would argue that euthanasia is painless and it provides relief for the patient, it can be seen as an act of kindness to end prolonged suffering.
Most religions widely advocate against euthanasia. It is seen as murder and a taint to the sanctity of life. The decision should be in the hands of the Almighty always therefore it is considered disrespectful. Some churches and Judaic practices though have started to recognize passive euthanasia as acceptable.
It is widely supported that every human has a right to choose their own fate and control their lives therefore why should they be prevented from ending it when it is a liability for them to be alive? Enthusiast agree that choosing to die without pain is better than requiring extended suffering of people.
This motion can be opposed by considering the fact that it is possible the individual is not in the right frame of mind to make such a decision, the decision can be a derivative from the illness, therefore sick individuals should not be allowed to make such a choice.
Health professional views
The sentiment of doctors often vary, some doctors believe assisted suicide is beneficial and should be legalized while others disapprove by saying as doctors, the ultimate care of patients is a responsibility never to be compromised on, the doctor must continue to fight for the life of the patient and never give up. Others believe the choice to execute euthanasia depends on the health case.
My thoughts
"I’ve honestly never been more confused in my life. I realize both sides have important factors to be considered. I also understand no individual deserves to suffer gravely but then is it right to choose to die? Big question there. I fear as a health professional, I’d just break down and cry: that can’t be good." - Jojo
What’s your own take on it?
Leave me a message telling me about what you think, I’d love to know what you made of this legal medical act called Euthanasia.
Till next time, have a great new week!
Thanks for the educating piece JoJo, I enjoyed reading it.
This is a serious matter. What I would say is that I pray we don't find ourselves in an agony or burden where death is the only option.
I honestly love the different sides you considered with regards the topic"Euthanasia" but I strongly stick to talking a patient out of this legal suicide 🥲, understanding that in times of difficulty or pains certain wrong decisions seems to be the best option.
Thanks for this ❤️ looking forward to learn more from you 😊
I feel like euthanasia is a less pronounce way of saying suicide(which isn't good at all). I don't know if you get me. May God strengthen us because we wouldn't know how the patient must have felt to be able to choose euthanasia.
I really love this🤭🤭
Crazy stuff, nobody is wrong, the stuff is messing with my head, people should get to choose buh death is a terrible thing, even worse that you can't regret it.